Why Geography?
- How do you decide where to go in a zombie apocalypse? (TED Ed)
- Why Geography Matters (Google Earth)
Using Geospatial Data
- Map Reading Made Easy Peasy (from the UK Ordnance Survey)
- Map Scales (from the USGS)
- How to Read a Map video (from About.com)
- The Geospatial Revolution
- What is GIS? (from GIS Lounge)
- What is GIS? (from ESRI)
- GIS Timeline
- The Power of Layering Spatial Datasets
Examples of Use
- GIS for Natural Resources (from ESRI)
- Papers about GIS by Application Category
- EarthExplorer (from the USGS)
- GIS at the National Park Service
- GIS at the U.S. Center for Disease Control
- City of Minneapolis, MN GIS Service
- Google Earth Showcase
- Geography of the 2010 Recession (from the NY Times)
- Mapping NCAA Tournament Success (from the NY Times)
- Visualizing the U.S. Electric Grid (from NPR)
- GIS Climate Change Scenarios
- Murder in New York City
- Presidential Election Results
- Influenza Map (from the CDC)
- Super Map Puts World at Military’s Fingertips
- Assessing Tornado Damage (from ESRI)
- Collaborative GIS projects in Michigan
Future Concerns
- That’s Not My Phone, It’s My Tracker (from the NY Times)
- Privacy and the use of Drones (or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
Geography Fun
- 40 Maps that Explain the World (The Washington Post)
- 40 More Maps that Explain the World (The Washington Post)
- Historical Geography Atlas of the United States (University of Richmond)
- Play Geography Related Error Game (Sporcle)