Geometry of our Solar System
- Astronomy Basics (interactive exercises)
- Sun Path in the Arctic Sky During the Summer (GIF animation)
- MinutePhysics (YouTube videos)
- Scalable Interactive of Solar System’s Size
- What Would it Look Like if the Moon were at the Same Distance as the International Space Station?
- Why the Moon Looks Bigger on the Horizon (TED Talk video)
- Death Valley Video by Day and Night (Vimeo video)
The Sun
- The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas (They Might Be Giants – YouTube video)
- How The Sun’s Energy Drives A Remarkable Planetary Engine, The Climate (YouTube video)
What does it Mean?
- What if you Dug a Hole through the Earth and You Jumped In? (YouTube video)
- What Would it Look Like if the Moon were at the Same Distance as the International Space Station?
- Why the Moon Looks Bigger on the Horizon (TED Talk video)
- Death Valley Video by Day and Night (Vimeo video)
- What if you Dug a Hole through the Earth and You Jumped In? (YouTube video)
- High Tide / Low Tide Photos (Tip: click on the photos to see the difference)
- Measure the Earth’s Radius with a Stopwatch and a Meter Stick (Daryl Science’s E-World)
- Use an Animation To Find Your Latitude Based On The Height of Polaris (Office of Naval Research)