The newly elected 2024 Undergraduate Agronomy Club officers are:
President: Jordan Lawless
Vice President: Tyler Atkinson
Recording Secretary: Emma Davidson
Treasurer: Ethan Reed
Historian: Rachel Silhanek
Corresponding Secretary: Aidan Bobholz
Program Coordinator: Jackson Mullenhoff
Sr. CALS Representative: Dale Lyons
Jr. CALS Representative: Ephraim Van Zante
Thank you to the retiring officers who graduated in the fall or will be graduating this spring: Wyatt Bailey, Josh Baudler, Cole Buckley, Alex Coughlin, Mattie Howell, Tom Thompson, and Elizabeth Tranel.
In photo: 2024 Undergraduate Agronomy Club officers front row from left: Rachel Silhanek, Emma, Davidson, Dale Lyons, and Tyler Atkinson. Back row from left: Jackson Mullenhoff, Jordan Lawless, Ethan Reed, Ephraim Van Zante and Aidan Bobholz.