The Crops Team traveled to Hutchinson, Kansas over the weekend for their first contest of the spring semester. Eight students participated. The team placed 2nd overall and included Aidan Bobholz, Emma Davidson, Courtney Harle and Paige Kastner. Courtney Harle placed 1st overall as an individual with top placing in the Agronomic Exam and Laboratory Practical and second place in the Math Practical. Ephraim Van Zante placed 2nd in the Laboratory Practical. Their next contest is in March in Curtis, Nebraska. Travel is sponsored by the Iowa Crop Improvement Association.
Photo at top: Front row from left: Paige Kastner, Emma Davidson, Elizabeth Tranel, Courtney Harle. Back row from left: Zach Utley, Nolan Grove, Aidan Bobholz, Ephraim Van Zante. Not pictured: Assistant Coaches Megan Blauwet, Alex Coughlin, and Lauren Schwarck.