ISU Agronomy faculty and staff hosted the 2024 Iowa FFA Agronomy Career Development Event at Iowa State University on June 6, which included 101 students from 28 chapters. The event provided students an opportunity to display their agricultural knowledge and skills in the area of agronomy. Activities included demonstration of skills and problem solving in crop, weed, insect and seed identification; crop and seed judging and evaluation; and grain grading. A written examination was included along with a team problem solving competition.
The Little Switzerland FFA Chapter from Waukon was named the Iowa Champion FFA Agronomy Team. The team will go on to compete in the National FFA Agronomy Career Development Event during the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The top individual was Colton Zupke with the Sumner-Fredericksburg FFA. The event was made possible with support from Pivot Bio through the Iowa FFA Foundation. For a list of winners, visit the FFA website.
In photos: FFA students from 28 Iowa chapters participated in several activities, which included identifying different grains, weeds, crops and insects. Photos by Stephanie Zumbach