Agronomy Student Spends May in Japan

Agronomy student Emily Caspers spent May in Japan.
Emily Caspers in the Peace Garden.
Emily Caspers in the Peace Garden.

Agronomy student Emily Caspers spent May 12 to June 1 in Japan as part of a study abroad program for a technical communications course through ISU’s College of Engineering (English 314). Students had the opportunity to navigate the streets of Tokyo and Kyoto by creating their own travel directions, using instructions from other teams and receiving feedback from local students.

Five months earlier, Caspers had traveled to Ghana in Africa from December to January for a CALS study abroad program, but she had never visited Asia. “I wanted to expand my horizons while completing my degree, and fortunately, study abroad programs fit perfectly,” said Caspers. She enjoyed learning about Japan’s history and visiting cemeteries to see how people honor their loved ones. “It offered a new perspective on life and its brevity, and how people will remember you. It’s not about what you take when you leave, but what you leave behind. Seeing legacies and traditions from thousands of years ago, still alive today was fascinating,” said Caspers.

The group toured Microsoft and learned about their connections with organic strawberry farms they helped establish following natural disasters (earthquakes and tsunamis). Another highlight was being able to see a Giant Panda. “With the pandas in U.S. zoos officially returned in December 2023, I knew this trip might be my only chance to see one. I also got to see Mt. Fuji and a Cherry Blossom Tree – such an amazing experience,” said Caspers.


At top: Agronomy student Emily Caspers the Golden Temple and with a Giant Panda.

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