Agronomy at the Farm Progress Show

Lee Burras, agronomy, at the Farm Progress Show

On top of a busy first week of classes for the fall semester, many agronomy faculty, staff and students helped at the Iowa State University exhibit at the Farm Progress Show August 27-29. Additionally, others were on hand for interviews and other affiliated responsibilities. Lee Burras, Bradley Miller, Michael Thompson and Mary Tiedeman were part of the soil exhibit; Mark Licht was part of the climate and weather exhibit; Marshall McDaniel and Matt Woods were part of the STRIPS exhibit; and Arti Singh, Danny Singh and several graduate students were part of the AI exhibit. Following are a few photos from the event.

Richard Roth, agronomy, participates in a Podcast at the Farm Progress Show.
Richard Roth, agronomy, participates in a Podcast at the Farm Progress Show.
Arti Singh, agronomy, with Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig.
Arti Singh, agronomy, with Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig providing an overview of her weed and insect identification app.
Agronomy graduate student Sarah Jones shared her excitement about drones with a young visitor.
Agronomy graduate student Sarah Jones shared her excitement about drones with a young visitor.

































In photo at top, Lee Burras, agronomy, discusses organic carbon.


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