Agronomy Graduate Students/Research Staff Participate in ISRC Research Day

Graduate students and research staff that participated in the ISRC research day.
Graduate student Mercy Fakude discusses her research project with Professor Steve Whitham.
Graduate student Mercy Fakude discusses her research project with Professor Steve Whitham.

Several agronomy graduate students participated in the Iowa Soybean Research Center’s first ever research day on September 5 at Reiman Gardens. The event was an opportunity to showcase ISU student talent and the variety of research being conducted to 19 different ag industry representatives, farmers and faculty. Several faculty researchers also provided updates on projects that were funded by the ISRC.

Fernando Marco discusses his research
Agronomy Research Scientist Fernando Marco discusses his research during a poster session at the ISRC’s Research Day at Reiman Gardens.
Visiting Scholar Leticia Prada De Miranda discusses her research with soybean farmer Barry Christensen
Visiting Scholar Leticia Prada De Miranda discusses her research with soybean farmer Barry Christensen.


At top, graduate students and research staff that participated in research day. From agronomy, participants included Leticia Prada De Miranda, Mercy Fakude, Carolina Freitas, Liza Van der Laan, Sarah Jones, Natan Seraglio, Fernando Marcos and Naresh Boddepalli.



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