A Farmer’s Experience with Technology. Perspectives for Future Researchers and Farmers
2050 Agronomy Hall 2050 Agronomy HallKelly Garrett (Farmer of the Year)
Kelly Garrett (Farmer of the Year)
PhD Candidate Yu-Ru Chen will present on “Genomic Prediction and Doubled Haploid Technology in Maternal Haploid Inducer Breeding.” (Major Professor: Thomas Lübberstedt)
Title: “Irrigation in the Texas Panhandle and Southern High Plains.” (Major Professor: Ken Moore) Virtual via Zoom: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/94617411460?pwd=aHA3UkllTy9XOHRscmgxR1U4NDlmZz09
Seminars are each Tuesday over the noon hour through Nov. 21 and are for research faculty but also postdocs and graduate students are welcome. Topic: Agroforestry – a systems management multitool: Peter O’Brien, USDA-ARS & Thomas Isenhart, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Title: “Classifying Microbial Amendments in U.S. Row Crops.” (Major Professor: Mark Licht)
Title: “Remote Sensing Techniques to Measure, Report, and Verify Management Practices for Carbon Markets.” (Major Professor: Bradley Miller)
Dr. Musa Buthelezi-Dube (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Virtual seminar: Title: " Targeted Breeding of Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Spinach Using a Hydroponic Selection Assay" Major Prof: Shuizhang Fei Zoom: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/98225129986?pwd=VmhFU0h2RTA5QVh1NkdnSUZkVHM1UT09
“Soil Change: From the Lab to the Map” Click here to join the meeting in Teams Dissertation Committee: Bradley A. Miller (Chair), Lee Burras, Richard Cruse, Brian Gelder, and Peter O’Brien. Abstract and Bio
Presented by Matt Herman (Iowa Soybean Association) Thurs. November 9, 2023 Time: 4:00 - 5:00 pm location: Agronomy 2050 Part of the Agronomy Graduate Student Club Fall Seminar Series
November 12th - International Potluck Dinner The Agronomy Graduate Student Club and the DEIB Committee invite you to the International Potluck to share a dish from your home region with the Agronomy Department! Time: 5:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Somerset Clubhouse, 2400 Aspen Road, Ames Information: Open to students, faculty, staff, postdocs, interns, and visiting scholars. […]