Aman Husbands, Dorsoventral Patterning in Plants
1414 Molecular Biology Building 2437 Pammel Dr, Ames, IA, United StatesAman Husbands, University of Pennsylvania Topic: Dorsoventral Patterning in Plants Host: Dior Kelley
Aman Husbands, University of Pennsylvania Topic: Dorsoventral Patterning in Plants Host: Dior Kelley
Jackson Taylor, Cleveland State University Topic: Epigenetic Regulation of Aging Host: Ping Kang
Katie Drerup, University of Wisconsin, Madison Topic: Neural Circuit Formation and Function Host: Mura McGrail
Reception to follow in Harl Commons
“Transformative Research: Pushing the Genetic Frontiers of Plant Breeding” Distinguished Speakers We are honored to have a remarkable lineup of speakers contributing to this year’s theme: Dr. Kan Wang, Iowa […]