MS Defense Seminar – Melissa Preston
Available via Zoom Title: Comparison of Corn (Zea mays L.) Silage Hybrids for In Vitro Starch, Starch Digestibility and Tonnage Major Prof: Paul Scott & Thomas Lubberstedt Major: Plant Breeding
Available via Zoom Title: Comparison of Corn (Zea mays L.) Silage Hybrids for In Vitro Starch, Starch Digestibility and Tonnage Major Prof: Paul Scott & Thomas Lubberstedt Major: Plant Breeding
Zoom Title: Beginners Guide to Regenerative Agriculture and Why it Matters Major Prof: David Kwaw-Mensah Major: Agronomy
A volleyball tournament is being planned for July 13 at 5pm at the volleyball courts at the Southeast Recreation Complex. Check your email as more information is provided or contact […]
Title: The Use and Benefits of Neonicotinoid and Diamide Seed Treatments on Soybeans Compared to No Insecticide on Soybeans in New York Major Prof: Alison Robertson (PPEM) & Mark Licht […]
Field plot demos of corn and millet will be shown and discussed Meet in the field outside AEA Farm Headhouse: Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy Research Farms 1308 U Ave. Boone, […]
Buy Tickets | Farm Progress Show
Prior to the football game.