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MS Defense Seminar – Melissa Preston

Available via Zoom Title: Comparison of Corn (Zea mays L.) Silage Hybrids for In Vitro Starch, Starch Digestibility and Tonnage Major Prof:  Paul Scott & Thomas Lubberstedt Major:  Plant Breeding

MS Defense Seminar – Rebekah Burrows

2104 Agronomy Hall

Zoom Title: Beginners Guide to Regenerative Agriculture and Why it Matters Major Prof:  David Kwaw-Mensah Major:  Agronomy

AGSC Volleyball Tournament

A volleyball tournament is being planned for July 13 at 5pm at the volleyball courts at the Southeast Recreation Complex. Check your email as more information is provided or contact an AGSC member.

MS Defense Seminar – Cassidy Fletcher


Title:  The Use and Benefits of Neonicotinoid and Diamide Seed Treatments on Soybeans Compared to No Insecticide on Soybeans in New York Major Prof:  Alison Robertson (PPEM) & Mark Licht […]

Plant Breeding Field Day

Field plot demos of corn and millet will be shown and discussed Meet in the field outside AEA Farm Headhouse: Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy Research Farms 1308 U Ave. Boone, IA 50036 RSVP to Joseph DeTemple:


Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center

Prior to the football game.