MS Defense Seminar – Jody Wilhelm
2104 Agronomy HallTitle: No-Till Management Practices Major Prof: David Kwaw-Mensah Major: Agronomy
Title: No-Till Management Practices Major Prof: David Kwaw-Mensah Major: Agronomy
Room: Agronomy 2104 Title: Soybean yield response to low initial seeding rates and seed treatment in Northeast Iowa Major Prof: Mark Licht Major: Agronomy
Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Mechanical Engineering, ISU, Topic: AIIRA, Procedural models
Followed by a reception in Harl Commons.
Title: Assessment of the Correlation Between UAV Indices and Weed Efficacy Ratings Major Prof: Mark Licht Major: Agronomy
Michael Cook: "Quantifying nitrogen availability in manured soils." Co-major professors: Marshall McDaniel and Sotirios Archontoulis. This week's seminar is ONLY in TEAMS
Ning Wang, Professor in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Oklahoma State University, “Innovative Agriculture: Harnessing Smart Sensing Technology for Enhanced Agri-Food Production.” More information
Johnson Mtama, PhD student in Soil Science, ISU: “Computing lime requirements for amelioration of soil acidity in Southern Highland Zone of Tanzania.” C. Lee Burras, Major Professor Join the meeting […]
Jacob Washburn & Daniel Kick Title: "The Promises and Pitfalls of Deep Learning Methods for Plant Phenotype Prediction." Plant Breeding Seminar- Jacob Washburn & Daniel Kick | Raymond F. Baker Center […]
Ethan Aizikovitz, “Conservation Effects on Carbon Sequestration in a Semi-Arid Environment.” Major Professor: David Kwaw-Mensah Zoom
Marty Gaudet, “Strengthening the Precision Breeding model; Identifying key trait correlations within the Canola Breeding Activity plan that could enhance resource efficiencies.” Major Professor: David Kwaw-Mensah Zoom
Richard Ancel, “Agricultural Spraying and Water Quality as a Pesticide Carrier: A Case Study of South-Central Minnesota.” Major Professor: David Kwaw-Mensah Zoom