Iowa Soil Water Content – 1/3 Bar Maps (field capacity) [gSSURGO]

Soil water content at -1/3 bar is the amount of soil water retained at a suction tension of 1/3 bar, expressed as a volumetric percentage of the whole soil. Water retained at -1/3 bar is significant in the determination of soil water-retention difference, which is used as the initial estimation of available water capacity for some soils. Water retained at -1/3 bar (-33 kPa) is the value commonly used to estimate the content of water at field capacity for most soils. Water content varies between soil types, depending on soil properties that affect retention of water. The most important properties are the content of organic matter, soil texture, bulk density, and soil structure.


Available Depths

  • 0 – 5 cm            • 5 – 20 cm
  • 0 – 20 cm          • 20 – 50 cm
  • 0 – 30 cm          • 50 – 100 cm
  • 0 – 100 cm        • 100 – 150 cm
  • 0 – 150 cm        • 150 – 200 cm
  • 0 – 200 cm

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