The state of Iowa contains diverse landscapes, each with subtle but impactful differences in their physical characteristics. This data set builds on the previously established landform regions of Iowa (Prior, 2000). All boundaries have been refined based on spatial data sets that become available since Prior (2000). Most importantly, this data set introduces subregions that …Continue reading “Physiographic Regions of Iowa (Shapefile)”
This raster provides an estimate of the wetland water regimes in Iowa, prior to the implementation of drainage systems. These estimates are based on the spatial information in the USDA-NRCS gSSURGO database and soil series characteristics described in the official soil series descriptions (OSD). Soil series characteristics were matched as best as possible to the …Continue reading “Pre-settlement Water Regimes of Iowa Wetlands”
This GIS package contains a pair of spatial data sets that have been generated for the purpose of studying the physiography of the Des Moines Lobe landform region. One is a surficial geology map of the Des Moines Lobe and surrounding areas. This raster was generated from the USDA-NRCS gSSURGO spatial database. The attributes were extracted from …Continue reading “Physiography of the Des Moines Lobe”