Surficial Geology of Wisconsin

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Wisconsin at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Wisconsin”

Surficial Geology of Michigan

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Michigan at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Michigan”

Surficial Geology of South Dakota

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of South Dakota at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of South Dakota”

Surficial Geology of North Dakota

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of North Dakota at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of North Dakota”

Surficial Geology of Minnesota

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Minnesota at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Minnesota”

Surficial Geology of Ohio

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Ohio at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Ohio”

Surficial Geology of Indiana

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Indiana at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Indiana”

Surficial Geology of Illinois

This raster is a highly detailed map of geologic materials at the surface (delineations made from maps at 1:24,000 to 1:12,000 scale). The smaller extent maps were merged together by USDA-NRCS to produce the gSSURGO spatial database, covering the entire state of Illinois at a 10m resolution. The gSSURGO map was then interpreted by Iowa …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Illinois”

Surficial Geology of Iowa

This raster is a highly detailed (delineations made at the 1:15,840 scale) map of geologic materials at the surface, covering the entire state of Iowa. The map is based on the interpretations of the US Soil Survey, which regularly needs to assess the soil parent material in their mapping activities. The raster was generated from …Continue reading “Surficial Geology of Iowa”
