Ferhatoglu, C.; Miller, B.A. Choosing Feature Selection Methods for Spatial Modeling of Soil Fertility Properties at the Field Scale. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1786. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12081786
Ferhatoglu, C.; Miller, B.A. Choosing Feature Selection Methods for Spatial Modeling of Soil Fertility Properties at the Field Scale. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1786. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12081786
Miller, B.A. and J. Juilleret. The colluvium and alluvium problem: Historical review and current state of definitions. Earth-Science Reviews 209: 103316. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103316.
Kyebogola, S., C.L. Burras, B.A. Miller, O. Semalulu, R.S. Yost, M.M. Tenywa, A.W. Lenssen, P. Kyomuhendo, C. Smith, C.K. Luswata, M.J. Gilbert Majaliwa, L. Goettsch, C.J. Pierce Colfer, R.E. Mazur. Comparing Uganda’s indigenous soil classification system with World Reference Base and Soil Taxonomy. Geoderma Regional. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2020.e00296.
Khaledian, Y. and B.A. Miller. Selecting appropriate machine learning methods for digital soil mapping. Applied Mathematical Modelling 81: 401-418. doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.12.016.
Miller, B.A., E.C. Brevik, P. Pereira, and R.J. Schaetzl. Progress in Soil Geography I: Reinvigoration. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 43(6): 827-854. doi: 10.1177/0309133319889048.
Marques, K., J.A. Demattê, B.A. Miller, and I. Lepsch. Geomorphometric segmentation of complex slope elements to improve soil mapping in southeast Brazil. Geoderma Regional 14: e00175. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2018.e00175.
This landscape was originally interpreted as loess mixed with underlying sands. This paper re-evaluates this landscape through a spatial analysis of data from auger samples and soil pits. To better estimate the loamy sediment’s initial textures, we utilized “filtered” laser diffraction data, which remove much of the coarser sand data. Our new model for the origin of the loamy mantle suggests that the sands on the uplands were generated from eroding gullies and saltated onto the uplands along with loess that fell more widely.
Despite the soil science discipline in the USA hitting hard times in the 1980s and 1990s, there were still many positive advances within soil science in the USA during these two decades. There was an increased use of geophysical instrumentation, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and global positioning systems (GPS), and research began in digital soil mapping, all of which lead to better understanding of the spatial distribution and variability of soils. Digital soil mapping is being incorporated into the National Cooperative Soil Survey, and the impact of humans on the soil system is being fully recognized. The expansion of soils into new areas and widening recognition of the importance of soils gives the field hope for a bright future in the USA.
This study examines the spatial patterns and accuracies of predictions made by different spatial modelling methods on sample sets taken at two different scales. These spatial models are then tested on independent validation sets taken at three different scales. Each spatial modelling method produced similar, but unique, maps of soil organic carbon content (SOC%). Kriging approaches excelled at internal spatial prediction with more densely spaced sample points.
Categories of cartographic scale correspond to the selection of environmental soil predictors used to initially create historical soil maps. Paradigm shifts in soil mapping and classification can be best explained by not only their correlation to historical improvements in scientific understanding, but also by differences in purpose for mapping, and due to advancements in geographic technology. Although the hierarchy of phenomena scales observed in this study is generally known in pedology today, it also represents a new view on the evolution of soil science.