Productivity Index Grid (conterminous U.S.)
Author: Bradley Miller
Author: Bradley Miller
This raster describes the inherent, soil productivity of the lower 48 states, as determined by the ordinally based Natural Soil Productivity Index (PI). The PI uses family-level Soil Taxonomy information, i.e., interpretations of taxonomic features or properties that tend to be associated with naturally low or high soil productivity, to rank soils from 0 (least productive) to 19 (most productive). The index has wide application, because, unlike competing indexes, it does not require copious amounts of soil data, e.g., pH, organic matter, or CEC, in its derivation. To calculate the PI the following variables were used to guide initial assessments of fertility among the 12 soil orders: (1) organic matter content, (2) CEC, and (3) clay mineralogy, as well as our knowledge of general land use on each of the orders. Next, modifier values were assigned to each suborder, Great Group
Citation: Schaetzl, R.J. Krist, F.J. Jr., and B.A. Miller. 2012. A Taxonomically Based, Ordinal Estimate of Soil Productivity for Landscape-Scale Analyses. Soil Science 177:288-299.