Manuscript Library


The Manuscript Library serves as a collection of research publications produced by the Geospatial Laboratory for Soil Informatics (GLSI). These manuscripts cover a range of topics, including soil science, digital soil mapping, geospatial analysis, and land classification. Our publications explore advancements in machine learning for soil modeling, geomorphometry, soil fertility, and classification systems, contributing to the broader understanding of soil-landscape interactions and sustainable land management.

Browse our latest research on spatial modeling, soil classification, and digital soil mapping to stay informed about the cutting-edge developments in soil informatics and geospatial sciences.


Precision of soil particle size results using laser diffractometry

Because laser diffractometry produces much more detailed data than does traditional pipette analysis, and because a much smaller sample is used in the analysis, precision or repeatability of laser-produced PSA data is a concern. The approach presented provides both a simple method for assessing the variation in PSA data sets and establishes a comparable standard…

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The need to continue improving soil survey maps

Soil Survey maps are the preeminent data set collected about our environment. Although there are other impressive data sets that are regularly used for studying and utilizing the environment, none match the wide utility and potential of soil maps. Recent innovations create opportunities to increase both the resolution and the efficiency at which Soil Survey…

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A taxonomically based, ordinal estimate of soil productivity for landscape-scale analyses

We introduce, evaluate, and apply a new ordinally based soil Productivity Index (PI). The index has a wide application generally at landscape scales. Unlike competing indexes, it does not require copious amounts of soil data, for example, pH, organic matter, or cation exchange capacity, in its derivation. Geographic information system applications of the PI, in…

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Wetland hydrologic class change from prior to European settlement to present on the Des Moines Lobe, Iowa

The water regimes of contemporary wetlands when compared to their historic regimes suggest that many of today’s wetlands have different water regimes than they did prior to the onset of drainage. Because of the regional lowering of the groundwater table, many of today’s wetlands have drier water regimes, but some have wetter water regimes because…

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Marketing and branding the agronomy major at Iowa State University

This manuscript reports on the change in the undergraduate Agronomy student population at Iowa State University since instigating a marketing campaign. The most important elements in the development of the marketing campaign were a simple message, artistic style, branding, and advertising in smart locations. After four years, one hundred and six more students were studying…

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Using soil surveys to map Quaternary parent materials and landforms

The integration of soil survey maps with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows for an almost infinite level of collaboration across disciplines that use information related to soil databases. This study created a Quaternary geologic map by categorizing soil descriptions into a geologic context and joining the attributes with the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database in…

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Potential benefits of wetland filters for tile drainage systems

Nitrate concentration and stream discharge data from USGS National Stream Quality Accounting Network monitoring stations in the upper Mississippi River (UMR) and Ohio River basins were used to calculate stream nitrate loading and annual flow-weighted average (FWA) nitrate concentrations. The model accounts for 90% of the variation among stations in long term FWA nitrate concentrations…

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