Drainage Index Grid (conterminous U.S.)

This raster contains the natural, inherent, soil wetness of the lower 48 states, as determined by the ordinally based Natural Soil Drainage Index (DI). The DI is intended to reflect the amount of water that a soil can supply to growing plants under natural conditions. It ranges from 0 for the very driest soils and exposed bedrock, to …Continue reading “Drainage Index Grid (conterminous U.S.)”

Productivity Index Grid (conterminous U.S.)

This raster describes the inherent, soil productivity of the lower 48 states, as determined by the ordinally based Natural Soil Productivity Index (PI). The PI uses family-level Soil Taxonomy information, i.e., interpretations of taxonomic features or properties that tend to be associated with naturally low or high soil productivity, to rank soils from 0 (least productive) to 19 (most …Continue reading “Productivity Index Grid (conterminous U.S.)”
