What is the soil survey?

The Soil Survey is a comprehensive inventory of the soil resources of an area. The survey includes soil maps and descriptions of each type of soil in each county, including interpretations of a soil’s potential for use.

How does the soil survey help me?

Understanding the basic properties of soils leads to better crop management, soil nutrient management, and soil and water conservation.

At Iowa State University, the Soil Survey Characterization Laboratory provides data supporting the Iowa Cooperative Soil Survey Program (ICSS).

Iowa Soil Properties and Interpretations Database (ISPAID)

Iowa Soil Properties and Interpretations Database (ISPAID) Version 8.1.1 is now available.

Download ISPAID 8.1.1 ISPAID Version 8.1.1 is a supplementary update to ISPAID Version 8.1. Updates made to ISPAID Version 8.1.1 include the addition of new soil map unit symbols (MUS) used in the current soil survey, adjustments to MUS acreage, and NRCS Corn Suitability Rating 2 (CSR2) value adjustments. A complete listing of all updates can be found in the introduction of the database. The below listed ISPAID Version 8.1.1 documents are available for download. To download, click on the download image or the file name below. A new window will open. In the upper right-hand corner click on the button labeled “Download”. A dialog box will ask to open or save the document. Click on the arrow next to the “Save” button, and select “Save As”. Save all files in the same folder (such as your desktop) to enable linking between documents. ISPAID Version 8.1.1 Database (Excel: 10.7 MB)

Download ISPAID 8.1 ISPAID Version 8.1 made sorting soil information easier. Simply clicking on the drop-down arrow below the field name enables the filtering or sorting of data across the database. You can also view specific data by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the data listed within the field name. For example, to obtain soil data for a specific county, click the arrow below “CONO (Name)’, uncheck “Select All”, and check the box next to the desired county or counties. The below listed ISPAID Version 8.1 documents are available for download. To download, right-click the download image or the file name below and select “Save Target (Link) As…”. Save all files in the same folder (such as your desktop) to enable linking between documents. ISPAID Version 8.1 Database (Excel: 10.5 MB)

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