Research Interests: Soil Genesis, mineralogy, micromorphology
About: Sean Glasshoff is a graduate research assistant under the supervision of Dr. Michael Thompson pursuing a master’s degree in Soil Science. He is studying how microscopic analyses can be used to improve pedotransfer functions that predict hydraulic conductivity and water retention curves, and to understand climate-vegetation-soil structure interactions. He is also interested in creating a database of micromorphological features related to dynamic soil properties and understanding the micro-scale patterns across different ecosystems. Sean completed his bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science with a focus in Soil Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Prior to starting his master’s program, he worked at the NRCS Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory (KSSL). He has also collaborated with international partners through the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) to develop and compare laboratory methods. In his free time, Sean enjoys hiking, camping, bird watching and reading.
Agronomy Major:
Soil Science