2503 Agronomy 716 Farm House Ln
(515) 294-2415

2503 Agronomy 716 Farm House Ln
(515) 294-2415
My teaching program includes an undergraduate course on Organic Compounds in Plants and Soils and a mixed undergrad/grad course on Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry. Each course is taught one semester per year.
My research program centers on environmental applications of soil chemistry and mineralogy. These studies seek to identify chemical and physical conditions that favor stability, transformations, and movement of nutrients, soil organic matter, and anthropogenic contaminants in soils. Current research projects include characterization and transformations of soil organic matter, the impacts of biofuel cropping systems on soil health, the mechanisms of colloid-mediated transport of hormones derived from municipal biosolids, and the composition of organic matter preserved in Quaternary paleosols.