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Biophysical Factors Affecting Nitrous Oxide Fluxes

Soil is the largest terrestrial source of nitrous oxide.  In agricultural cropping systems, nitrous oxide typically represents the largest net greenhouse gas flux. Increases in farm efficiency are well known to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. We take advantage of cropping systems experiments to advance our basic understanding of biophysical controls on nitrous oxide flux while improving agroecosystem models and management strategies.  Much of our current work is funded by USDA NIFA as part of a regional greenhouse gas monitoring network that we coordinate:  

Funding Organization(s):
United States Department of Agriculture - National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Principal Investigators
Professor and Lead, Iowa Nitrogen Initiative
William T. Frankenberger Professorship in Soil Science
Mike Castellano
2104l Agronomy 716 Farm House Ln
(515) 294-3963